Mariposa Strategic Wildfire Mitigation Project (5GG22143)
Start Date: 07/07/2023
Finish Date: 03/15/2029
Partners: CAL FIRE, Mariposa Fire Safe Council
Funder: CAL FIRE
Purpose: The project objective is to treat 73 ares (300-ft shaded fuel break) near Homestead/Boyer Road in Mariposa County to protect 4,421 habitable structures in Mariposa County, as well as people, businesses, schools, infrastructure, and community resources in and near the wildfire-threatened communities of Mariposa, Eastern Madera County, and the Southern area of Yosemite National Park.
Current Activity: This project has just kicked off and will be starting very soon!
Update as of 07/15/2024: Staff visited the land parcels in late-May 2024 to get a preliminary look at the properties to prepare a forest management plan that will support the eventual CEQA documentation. Project Manager, Raini Patteson, and Executive Director, Erin Capuchino, processed ROEs and have 2/3 signed and returned as of 07/15/2024. Raini Patteson is investigating with the Assessor's office the rest of landowners who haven't signed so there will be 100% completion before foresters enter properties to complete CEQA before bidding and activities can commence.
Update 10/29/24: As of September 23, 2024, RP and EC have processed paper and digital ROEs, with approximately 90% signed. The RPF also submitted letters to Native American groups. On September 16 and 17, the RPF and the YSRCDC team conducted an initial walkthrough and flagging of each property. Looking ahead, the RPF will begin working on CEQA and surveying within the next month. Meanwhile, the YSRCDC plans to hold a town hall meeting in October or November and is starting to prepare bidding documents, aiming for implementation in late winter or early spring. The Advance request has been approved.
Update 01/13/25: The RPF has almost completed CEQA and surveying. Meanwhile, Y/S RC&DC plans to hold a town hall meeting in early 2025 and is starting to prepare bidding documents, aiming for implementation in late winter or early spring.